I liked this Monday 🩳 a lot! When considering the two (up or right) how might one’s personal resources (time, $, personal network) play into this? That’s where my mind goes after reading this. Curious if your reading/research speaks to that at all?!

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Personal resources play squarely into this! When looking at our own social impact (rather than collective), our personal resources *are* our main leverage points. Therefore, there is a dimension here where investing in and growing your personal resources can all be part of your strategy for social impact: growing wealth, career capital, fame (so long as you don't lose your goal along the way).

I'll talk more about this in the future, but some thoughts in the mean time:

---> Money = Google "Earning to Give". One cool org who helps people to use their $ for social impact is called "Giving What We Can". If you want an extreme but inspiring example of someone who chose to make as much money as he could to do the most good possible, look up the donation strategy by Sam Bankman-Fried (founder of FTX).

---> Time (+ Skills) = Which you can do in your job or through volunteering (or both). In both cases, it's helpful to develop a POV on what causes are most pressing and which solutions are most effective. I'd recommend "80,000 Hours" as a resource here.

---> Network (I might call this "Circle of Influence"?) = This one is less straight forward, but if you have an audience or influence over someone who has outstanding resources, your voice can be a lever in getting others to take action, multiplying your social impact. This strategy may be difficult and hard to quantify, though we've all seen first hand how professional athletes or famous actors/actresses can have enormous social impact using their platform.

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Appreciate the response!! Will check out these resources 👍🏾

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